Friday, October 17, 2008

yoyoyo. i'm back.lols. didnt really haf time to update these few days cuz i had attachment . attachment was very tiring as i was hafing afternoon shift and morning shift. dang i hate afternoon shift for its boring becuz usually the patients will be cleaned,fed and resting by then and i will like stand in my cubicle which i was attending like one idiot,kns and you know when you are so bored the time will somehow be ticking very slowly so it seems like a super long day. but morning is different, even though haf to wake up dang early @ 530 and start work at 7, at least theres alot of things to do like feeding,bed bath, assisted shower( help patient bathe in toilet) oral toileting etcetc and the time will be like whoosh, 3 hours gone lols. yeah so now finally weekends and can haf a break( have a kitkat lol).and can finally go balling with my frens =D. haha kk i shall end here I'LL BE BACK!!!! lols

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