Friday, October 31, 2008

tiring day today. had afternoon shift which seemed a long time. thank God its the weekends. came home, received a letter saying my ic was found. YAY=D. lost it with my wallet abt 3 months ago. so tommorow gg to collect it=D.

hais these few days have been dang stressful. from what i heard from my pals, i get angry easily,frustrated easily whenever i go balling even if my team were winning. i think its due to the attachment, the long hours and i recently have some problem,problems with the heart. problems with frens, quarrels. hais feel so emo nowadays=(

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

yaoz. today didnt go attachment cuz my left foot has blisters and my right foot the sole quite painful so now just resting at home thats why got time to blog haha. hopefully it will heal by tmr as i dun wanna miss too many days of attachment

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

MY BLOG IS ROTTING. lols haven been posting anything for the past few days cuz i have been busy with attachment and stuffs.. i may mia again for awhile due to my afternoon shift in the next few days(1-9pm) crappp. so don come back until nxt week ba. seeya everybody

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

hohoho. today was kinda nice, slack day at the tampines rehab centre again.morning the same old routine(stretching,breakfast,exercises) the exercises usually is the sian part as the elders can do their exercises on their own so you neednt help them. so i will just stand there and look around and after awhile, stone.lols. afternoon kinda fun today though as after break, they were splitted up into 3 groups (cantonese karaoke,english karaoke,gym). i at 1st was helping this elderly mr chia at the gym as he wanted to do exercises so i was helping him . after he was tired, i brought him back to the kitchen to have his tea break and then i went to the main hall where there was english karaoke. haha its was quite fun as the elders in the english karaoke are quite steady and they will sing along.

Than after work, went back home, supposed to go gym with grayson but i reached home too late and he felt lazy to go already so we decided to play bBall instead. But when i just was changing into my gear, it started raining heavily, so cant play. hais these few days have been raining at the same time,evening time.oh wells just hope it will not rain the nxt few days ba. kk gtg alreadi bye readers=D

Monday, October 20, 2008

today was the 1st day at tampines rehabilatation centre. quite sian ar. go there sit down thn help with some of the elderly push wheelchair, serve food,observe their exercises. woah talking about their exercises ar. dam boring man, cannot tahan. their exercises is sit down and exercise. thn i like do it along with them la. thn after awhile i dozed off lols. was woken up by a nightmare.lols so yeah that rather sums up my day.

hais . i still donno whether i had chosen the right course anot. i seem so disinterested at times, so easily tired, no interests in doing the homework given or no initiative to find out those things that i dunno. i just depend on God to lead me through my life.

Friday, October 17, 2008

yoyoyo. i'm back.lols. didnt really haf time to update these few days cuz i had attachment . attachment was very tiring as i was hafing afternoon shift and morning shift. dang i hate afternoon shift for its boring becuz usually the patients will be cleaned,fed and resting by then and i will like stand in my cubicle which i was attending like one idiot,kns and you know when you are so bored the time will somehow be ticking very slowly so it seems like a super long day. but morning is different, even though haf to wake up dang early @ 530 and start work at 7, at least theres alot of things to do like feeding,bed bath, assisted shower( help patient bathe in toilet) oral toileting etcetc and the time will be like whoosh, 3 hours gone lols. yeah so now finally weekends and can haf a break( have a kitkat lol).and can finally go balling with my frens =D. haha kk i shall end here I'LL BE BACK!!!! lols

Monday, October 13, 2008

yaozzz. oh crap today was my 1st day in 1.2 attachment. kns today i thought got orientation than i only brought my log book and a dictionary.i didnt even bring a pen LOL. than after just about 45 mins of orientation, we started work. CRAP SHITE. i and vicknesh was like. no way so fast. than work work lo also didnt do so much difficult stuffs but me and vick almost totally forgot how to do the skills during 1.1 so well i guess today was a wake up call for us. hais i cant believe i still have 2&1/2 mths of attachment when 1 day feels like 1 week. oh wells haf to tahan lo. but hopefully this posting will be better lo when i haf my bro vicknesh to help, yangmin the cutie to see everyday.(woah see her my heart can melt. she's just too cute) ,hehe meiyan to bully and nichole to talk cock. kk la shall end here

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

yos. today had a very good if not great day. went sentosa with firdy, kerrie, patience and ezam. we went to siloso beach.HOLY FAECES. for the 1st time in manymanymany months, i got to see bikini babes @ the beach.hehe. haha so we play volleyball and swam. had so much fun=D. after that in the afternoon, april and zalo came along and we played cards which april brought along . didnt knew that time flew so fast and by the time we realized it, the sky was starting to darken. so we went to shower and headed back to vivo to eat. but along the way back while walking, april wanted to take the rouge or ruge (aya watever la lols) so we had to walk up the slope to a longer way.thn we reached vivo and wanted to buy dinner. so i, firdy, ezam, kerrie went to buy long john, april and zalo went to eat at hawker centre, patience zhao already. so left we 4 we took away ljs and went to the open air on top of vivo. wow it was such a nice place to slack and eat our dinner=D . after that we went home cuz each of us had to go back early . haha so thats my day=D shall end here

Sunday, October 5, 2008


LOl. yoz hi whoever is reading this blog. this is the 1st time i start blogging . started this blogging thing cuz i'm curious abt it? so yeah