Saturday, March 21, 2009

1 week attachment is over!!. lols now enjoy oneh!! . will update soon

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Next week's attachment . i'm scared cuz i think i've forgotten the skills i've learn in yr 1 ? hopefully the staff @ 10B will be nice and let me adapt slowly.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

yoohoos. today was a long day for me .@ noon, went i.t fair with dickson initially. went to see some hp which the models , designs and the facilities turns me on . but the price turned me off lols. after that yolane and viknesh came to meet us and we walked ard the ps 3 corner and boy, the graphics really are nice. played the demo street fighter with a stranger and i WON him =D . but one round only cuz we rematched and he thrashed me the next round =(. Then dickson had to go off so left the 3 of us but just nice he went off nat called and later he and jialing came to meet us. went to play arcade awhile then we watch a movie " coming soon " . supposed to be a horror movie but instead me and vik was laughing at certain parts of the movies lols. that shows you how bad the movie was. after that we slacked ard for awhile b4 we headed home.

you get jealous over small stuffs, break your friendship over small stuffs . you tell ppl not to smoke but you yourself smoke. you told everyone that he's a flirt, a pervert which is not true but you yourself go around asking for girls' numbers , exchanging contacts, or even snatching from someone. you dont practice what you preach, ur a hypocrite, a liar.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

WOHOO !! exams are ENJOY for 3 days only=( cuz after this week, next week attachment liao, so worried about it cuz of the critical skills but nvm i will be up to the challenge muhahaha. crap i think i got either upper respiratory tract infection or pneumonia( infection of the lungs) =( cuz these few days i've been coughing quite regularly and the phlegm that came out was thick greenish .tmr gg see doctor liao. pray that its something not severe =(.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

long time nvr blog liao. lols since 1st nov? and now is 8th march. been bz slacking and playing and study so didnt haf time or too lazy to come blog. anyways tmr i'm having my pca exam=( which i totally haven study yet and i'm so worried. hais. hopefully me and firdaus will not need to retain this term cuz our pca test haven been so well done=(.

i dunno i love you or not. i have a special feeling around you sometimes. even though i told you i dun love you. in fact i dunno whether i love you or not and i'm scared i made the wrong decision.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

today's 1st november already,woah how fast almost 1 yr have gone and i'm still surviving in nursing LOL. went out in the early morning to do follow up for my plucking out of wisdom tooth. the consultation fee was $24!!!!!. wth daylight robbery man. the doctor just said a few words like 'um can see ur getting better''how are you doing' i will see you in another 3 months time' . walao crap LA good thing is see another 3 months not like last time everyweek haf to review before my operation. or else i will definitely go bankrupt( which i am already lols).

after that went to meet with kevin go out at 2. we tried calling francis out too but he was still slping so we decided not to already. went peninsula go buy some pants. he bought a black skinnies while i bought a grey berms for $30 both. quite reasonable ba. than went to potong pasir played soccer for awhile than kevin's parents came to fetch him. after that went back serangoon lo. saw gordon( a national youth player who is shorter than me by abit) attempt to dunk .wth that rim level somemore is not low. i myself only can full palm but he can actually dunk. ooohhh nice. lols. than slack with zhenghua,wenlong, napok for awhile went to watch the man u match vs hull.
dang exciting match . hull came back from 4-1 down to 4-3 in the dying few minutes left. scary =(. kk la i gtg sleep already . nites and God bless=)